Trust is vital. It plays a critical role in underpinning relationships that help all of us succeed together. It’s what makes it possible for a senior leader to sit down with a coach and explain for the first time to anyone just how he suspects his new boss is trying to manage him out of […]
It’s twenty years and a day or two since I boarded an early morning flight from Heathrow to Latvia to attend the Eurovision for the first time. I’d blagged my press accreditation for behind-the-scenes access by ringing the BBC switchboard and asking to be put through the producer responsible for the UK’s entry that year. […]
If you’re looking for a way of bringing about some change into your work life balance, the book Time Off by John Fitch and Max Frenzel might be a good place to go for some inspiration.
As we approach a year of remote working here in the UK, it seems a little late to be drawing up a list of advice for video call communications. But, a blog wouldn’t be a blog if it wasn’t inspired by real-life experiences. So, here’s a round-up of some thoughts and feelings about video call […]
This experience we’re living through is tough Over the past few weeks I’ve hit upon a way of handling some of the day to day challenges brought about by the toxic combination sustained remote working and restricted isolated living. Nobody should allow themselves to be misled by this weird time. We are led to believe […]
Look for the good in others and over time you’ll either receive it back or, even better, you’ll learn to see it in yourself I’m always very excited when friends embark on epic journeys. When a friend embarks on an epic journey it is, for those old enough to remember, a present-day real-life re-run of […]
Suggestions for reflective journalling based on Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journalling system I’ve been bullet journalling for nearly a couple of years now. It’s helped me organise my self-employed life and help keep track of my thinking on a variety of different topics. A few people have asked about the hows, the whats and the whys. […]
Strategies to distract you from rumination when you wake up unexpectedly during the night Don’t think you’re alone. We all do it. We wake up at 4am worrying about something or other, willing ourselves to stop thinking about it in the hope we’ll drop back off to sleep, before relenting, clambering out of bed and starting […]
A step-by-step process to make difficult conversations easier No one likes having difficult conversations. They’re not easy. If they were they wouldn’t be difficult. Follow this recipe to help make the conversation fruitful. Guidelines These suggestions are for any conversations you need to have but don’t want to have. No one likes having these kind […]
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